Thursday, May 12, 2016

BEA: Day 2, Judge a book by its cover?

Hey gang:
As stress relief from my crazy job, I needed to live vicariously through Armchair BEA since I once again have not gone to BEA although it's so much closer in Chicago. Hopefully, it's there again soon! 

There are themed questions each day to answer and here is today's:
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)The Books: How often do you judge a book by its cover? How often are you surprised by what you find? Do you strategize and make sure every book in your series has the same cover design (as far as you are able to) and type? How important is it for the visual art on the outside of the book to match or coordinate with the literature art on the inside? 

I would say I occasionally have cover lust like any other person, but it makes it even more disappointing if there is a fantastic cover and the book is not so much. Therefore, I care much much more about the inside words than the outside. I love my Kindle also, so many times I REALLY don't care about what the cover looks like, and sometimes buy hard copies only if I fall in love with the book electronically. That said, having both the cover and the book match in gorgeousness (say, the Winner's Curse trilogy or The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy) is a win-win for me, and I then want to match all the covers. Because man, a trilogy that is well matched like that is so incredibly aesthetically pleasing!  Until tomorrow!

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  1. Nowadays it seems like most books have amazing covers, but it also means you're mostly let down in the end. Personally, i think the blurbs are a better way to decide whether to read the book or not.

    Nice post :)

    Ella @Naga Sanctuary

    1. Ella, I totally agree! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I am such a cover whore. I love it when a cover is so representative of what the story is about. Sometimes covers can be misleading as well.
