Sunday, July 10, 2016

4000 Twitter Followers Twitter Party, Tips for Party, and Prize Package Descriptions!

Hey gang! I'm so thrilled to finally be at 4000 Twitter followers! So at long last, here are the details of the party!

Just a couple of reminders for the party: 
WHERE: Twitter, use #Ensconced to join
WHEN: Tuesday, July 19, 8pm-9pm CST for ONE HOUR.
WHO: The Twitter bookish population!
GUEST AUTHORS: Paula Stokes (@pstokesbooks), author of Art of Lainey, Liar's Inc, Girl Against the Universe, and Vicarious; Julie Eshbaugh (@JulieEshbaugh), author of Ivory and Bone, and Sarvenaz Tash (@sarvenaztash), author of The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love and Three Day Summer
CO-HOST: My very own local Barnes and Nobles, @BNLadue

Tips for the party: 
1. You should have a twitter account.
2. You should be following me @CAhnBooks and @BNLadue to be 1) eligible for prizes, 2) ensure that I see your tweets and that I can contact you with prize information. We will confirm this so make sure you do this!!!
3. GUEST AUTHOR PRIZES: Interaction with the THREE guest authors will be rewarded. Add hashtags #AskPaulaS #AskJulieE or #AskSarvenaz in addition to the #Ensconced hash tag to be considered for a prize. You also are required to follow them through twitter. Please make sure you direct the question to them so they see your question with a higher likelihood of getting it answered! You are allowed to hashtag all three at once if it is a broad general question, but you will only win a maximum of one prize total from the guest author prizes. More thoughtful questions are more likely to win a prize.
4. After each comment, you should end it with #Ensconced or else I won't see it. The EASIEST way to follow a twitter party is to hook up your account to a chat program. I use All you have to do is put #Ensconced at the top of the page where it says "Enter hashtags." Then you should be good to go! The other nice thing about this is that you don't have to type the hashtag after each comment, the program automatically does it for you. And you don't have to search for the hashtag, it automatically just follows the convo.
5. I'll be selecting winners RANDOMLY throughout the party, so the more you participate and the LONGER you participate, the more likely you are to win a prize.
6. Retweets will NOT count towards a prize. But these are nice to do for your fellow tweeters if you like what they are saying.
7. If you win a prize, I'll be sending you a google document to fill out. I will confirm your prizes after the party!
8. PRIZES: You may win more than one prize. There will be 3 categories you can win prizes in: random, author prizes, or the contest prize. You can win up to 3 prizes, one in each category. However, you can only win prizes that ship to you (US versus INT).
9. Contest: There will be one INT contest in the last part of the party. You will need to include #contest along with #Ensconced so that I see it.
10. To those poor souls who don't have a twitter account. It's totally EASY. Get a twitter account! I finally got one for my blog, and it took literally seconds to set up. I'm so sorry, but if you don't have a twitter account, you won't be eligible for the prizes.

Here is a list of prizes (these may change but just to give you an idea):
These prize packs were generously donated by my local Barnes and Nobles, US only,
1. Prize Pack #1- Heart tote with luggage tag, and hardcover copy of Hellow, Goodbye, and Everything in between

 2. Prize Pack #2: Riveted tote with luggage tag and hardcover copy of The Promise of Amazing
 3. Prize pack #3. ARC of the graphical novel Snow White, set of colored ink pens, and Fierce Reads coloring book and Rainbow Rowell Carry On coloring page.
 4. Prize Pack #4. Gently used pack of colored pencils, ARC of Truth of Dare, Fierce reads coloring book, and Rainbow Rowell coloring page.
 5. Griffin Teen Tote, Fierce Reads coloring book, and ARC of American Girls
 6. Chronicle Books tote, ARC of The Vanishing Season, various swag and samplers from #BNBuzz

Author Prizes
1. Paula Stokes- any book of hers (includes The Art of Lainey, Liars, Inc, Girl Against the Universe, and Vicarious)- US only. Winner selected from questions asked to Paula throughout the party. Use #AskPaulaS
2. Paula Stokes- swag (winner selected from questions asked to Paula throughout the party. Use #AskPaulaS)- INT
3. Sarvenaz Tash - swag (winner selected from questions asked to Sarvenaz throughout the party. Use #AskSarvenaz) - INT
4. Julie Eshbaugh - swag (winner selected from questions asked to Julie throughout the party. Use #AskJulieE)- INT

Contest prize (INT)
1. One book less than $10 from Amazon or Book Depository UNLESS you select one of the books from the guest authors, I will purchase any of them for you (Art of Lainey, Liars INC, Vicarious, Girl against the Universe, Three Day Summer, The Geek's Guide to Unrequited love, Ivory and bone). If you are INT, make sure that BD ships to you as that determines your eligibility.

Other prizes
1. Swag prizes (INT) - randomly selected throughout the party
2. Mystery prize from Crystal from Bookiemoji (US only)
3. Books off my shelf (2 prizes)- US only

And to get the giveaways started, here's one to promote the twitter party!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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