Monday, March 23, 2015

#LiarsINCBook Twitter Party with author Paula Stokes and TONS of prizes (INT)!

Hey all! I'm so excited to help out Paula Stokes with a Twitter Party for the release of her amazing book, Liars, Inc! It's a terrific novel and everyone needs to get their hands on it pronto!

Liars, Inc.

Just a couple of reminders for the party: 
WHERE: Twitter, use #LiarsINCBook to join
WHEN: Tuesday, March 24, 9-1030pm EST/8-930pm CST/6-730pm PST. If you are INT or in other time zones in the US, please calculate when the party is using this app:
WHO: The Twitter bookish population!
PRIZES: Tons of prizes donated by the wonderful author, Paula Stokes, ALL INT prizes!
They include...
1) Liars Swag packs
2) Control or Catalyst by Lydia Kang
3) The Cemetery Boys by Heather Brewer
4) Hemp Necklace
5) Finished copy of Liars, INC and huge prize pack TBD!

Tips for the party: 
1. You should have a twitter account.
2. You should be following me @CAhnBooks and @pstokesbooks to ensure that we can see your tweets and can contact you with prize information.
3. After each comment, you should end it with #LiarsINCBook or else we won't see it.
4. If you win a prize, I'll be sending you a google document to fill out. I will confirm your prizes after the party!
5. The EASIEST way to follow a twitter party is to hook up your account to a chat program. I use All you have to do is put #LiarsINCBook at the top of the page where it says "Enter hashtags." It should prompt you to link up your twitter account. Say yes. Then you should be good to go! The other nice thing about this is that you don't have to type the hashtag after each comment, the program automatically does it for you. And you don't have to search for the hashtag, it automatically just follows the convo.
The other way is Tweetchat, with similar instructions.
6. To those poor souls who don't have a twitter account. It's totally EASY. Get a twitter account! I finally got one for my blog, and it took literally seconds to set up. I'm so sorry, but if you don't have a twitter account, you won't be eligible for the prizes.
7. All of the prizes will go to winners of the 6 contests held throughout! Each of the prizes are great so you should all stay for the whole thing!
8. We may have some extra secret prizes if you are all lucky, and I usually like to give one to someone who has been participating a lot, so even more incentive to stay the whole party long! :-)
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